I just returned from a SCUBA trip to CoCo View Resort in Roatan, Honduras, my 6th trip there (initially several times many years ago with Bob Prince '70).
While there last week, I had the great opportunity to meet and dive with Lennin Pineda, USNA’20. We dove together, ate meals and talked “Navy” for several days. He is a truly wonderful, smart young man, a great diver, and promises to be an incredible addition as an Officer in the Honduran navy when he graduates from USNA!
In the course of 4 days, Lenny completed PADI Open Water, PADI Advanced Open Water and Enriched NITROX certifications. A picture is attached. Awesome performance and a tribute to his focus and dedication!
Lenny represents the true embodiment of our 1970-2020 classes “Another Link In the Chain” and “Our Vision is 2020”!
Updated: July 11, 2017
Curator: Ed Moore